On characterization and recognition of proper tagged probe interval graphs


  • Sanchita Paul Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University
  • Shamik Ghosh Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University
  • Sourav Chakraboty Indian Statistical Institute
  • Malay Sen Department of Mathematics, North Bengal University


Interval graph, proper interval graph, probe interval graph, probe proper interval graph, tagged probe interval graph, consecutive 1's property


Interval graphs were used in the study of the human genome project by the molecular biologist Benzer. Later on probe interval graphs were introduced by Zhang as a generalization of interval graphs for the study of cosmid contig mapping of DNA. Further research in this area required more useful and cost-effective tools. The concept of tagged probe interval graphs is motivated from this point of view. In this paper, we consider a natural subclass of it, namely, the class of proper tagged probe interval graphs. In this paper, we present a characterization theorem and a linear time recognition algorithm for proper tagged probe interval graphs. Also, we discuss the interrelations between the classes of proper tagged probe interval graphs and tagged probe interval graphs with probe interval graphs and probe proper interval graphs.


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