On the combinatorics of modified lattice paths and generalized $q$--series


  • Meenakshi Rana Thapar University
  • Megha Goyal Punjabi University, Patiala




$q$--series, split $(n t)$--color partitions, combinatorial identities, weighted lattice paths, modified lattice paths


Recently, Agarwal and Sachdeva, 2017, proved two Rogers- Ramanujan type identities for modified lattice paths by establishing a bijection between split (n + t)-color partitions and the modified lattice paths. In this paper, we interpret four generalized basic series combinatorially in terms of modied lattice paths by using a similar bijection. This leads to four new Rogers{Ramanujan type identities for modified lattice paths.

Author Biographies

Meenakshi Rana, Thapar University

Assistant Professor,

School of Mathematics,

Thapar University,

Patiala-147001, India

Megha Goyal, Punjabi University, Patiala

Assistant Professor,

Basic and Applied Sciences,

Punjabi University,

Patiala-147002, India



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